Cor Fuhler
Sound Alchemist

"whose blistering set of James Ulmer-style harmolodics alternated grooves and freedom. Fuhler, known as a keyboardist, is equally astonishing on guitar"
Andy Hamilton, the Wire.
Cor has a dozen different guitars, but his main 'jazz-box' is a 1956 Höfner, which he restored and to which he added pickups. Over the course of many years playing the guitar, his focus went from left hand to right hand. Rather than one type of attack and playing many melodies, he prefers many types of attack to a few notes. Timbral melodies, so to speak, hence his preference for playing directly with the fingers without any use of pedals (this he learned from playing keyolin: it is all in the bowing).

The Gap is a 'cool jazz'-style acoustic quartet, consisting of (FLTR): Cor Fuhler - archtop guitar & compositions, Steve Heather - drums, Jan Roder - bass, and Tobias Delius - clarinet, pictured live at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam.
Cor also plays acoustic guitar to which he adds a variety of devices to alter the sound, such as violin bow, EPS, magnets, spoons and many types of vibrators.
Scordatura Angels al Dente, 8 variations on a still life, for acoustic guitar, vibrators and chopstocks (no overdubs or effects).
FYI, the order of modules in this version (score below):
A1 - B3 - A4 - B2 - B1 - A3 - B4 - A2

You can read about Scordatura Angels al Dente and the techniques used: Fiddling towards Performance, from Couch to Venue.